Klipdrift Premium Brandy 700ml
Klipdrift Premium Brandy - distilled using copper pot stills, matured in French oak barrels and bottled at 43% ABV. Expect exciting, full-bodied notes of stewed apples, simmering spices, crushed walnuts and warm oak. Brilliant as a digestif after a filling meal.
Alcohol may only be purchased by persons of 18 or over.
Alcohol should only be purchased for delivery to intended recipients (or persons who will accept delivery on behalf of the named recipient) who are aged 18 or over. Customers will be reminded that it is a criminal offence for a person under 18 to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol and that it is also an offence to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person aged under 18.
If collecting from one of our markets - Please be aware that as part of our “challenge 25” policy, you may be asked to provide ID to verify your age. Please note that we reserve the right to cancel all or part of your order if sufficient ID is not supplied upon request.
Klipdrift Premium Brandy 700ml
Klipdrift Premium Brandy - distilled using copper pot stills, matured in French oak barrels and bottled at 43% ABV. Expect exciting, full-bodied notes of stewed apples, simmering spices, crushed walnuts and warm oak. Brilliant as a digestif after a filling meal.
Alcohol may only be purchased by persons of 18 or over.
Alcohol should only be purchased for delivery to intended recipients (or persons who will accept delivery on behalf of the named recipient) who are aged 18 or over. Customers will be reminded that it is a criminal offence for a person under 18 to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol and that it is also an offence to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person aged under 18.
If collecting from one of our markets - Please be aware that as part of our “challenge 25” policy, you may be asked to provide ID to verify your age. Please note that we reserve the right to cancel all or part of your order if sufficient ID is not supplied upon request.